My Story

SC 38 by Lisa Goesling

SC 38 by Lisa Goesling

Someone very wise once told me that everyone has a story. I thought I would use this platform to share mine. 

My love of art started early, inspired by my parents, Audrey, a fashion illustrator, and Sam, an attorney. Dad was the son of immigrants who put himself through school singing at weddings, etc. He and Danny Thomas used to perform for the troops during World War II. My four siblings and I were the beneficiaries of their many talents. They routinely put on shows for us singing and dancing, I honestly thought that all parents performed for their kids.

One of my earliest art memories is of selling my homemade coloring books to kids in the neighborhood. My feet didn't even touch the ground while I sat behind my little snack table filled with hand drawn books. Kids would snatch them up and then I'd run back inside to make more. 

Creativity was encouraged growing up which was a good thing because I didn't much care about academics. All I really wanted to do was to create. I got the chance to do a lot of that at age twelve when I began taking classes at School of the Art Institute (SAIC). Riding the Howard El to the city was an adventure in itself, and then I would enter this world of endless possibilities! I began to form my foundation as a visual artist through drawing, painting and sculpting. We were allowed to wander the Art Institute after class and I always found myself immersed in the art from Ancient Asia. Using nature as their muse, they layered details and textures, creating a lyrical sense of movement. It is still one of my favorite destinations in the museum.

When it came time to go to college, I felt like I'd devoted a lot of energy to my pursuit of fine art and decided to major in graphic design. My years spent in design and art direction had a strong influence on the way that I approach my art, particularly composition and my use of the humble line. You'll find all of the fundamentals of design in my art...pattern, texture, shapes, contrast, dimension, form, repetition and movement. Owning a design firm for years gave me the tools to approach my art career with a strong sense of professionalism. 

I discovered my favorite medium, Scratchbords® (by Ampersand Art Supply), while undergoing a cancer diagnosis in 2006. They were portable and all I needed was a simple tool. Getting lost in the details transported me to a better place. I am still drawn to the sheer wonder of dragging my knife into the layers of ink and clay, witnessing the board slowly evolve into a sophisticated work of art. I continue to enjoy the spontaneity of jumping right in and seeing where it leads me. Sometimes I create detailed elements from nature; sometimes I use them as inspiration in my abstracts. 

A short blurb about my family. Dave, my husband of forty+ years, recently retired and is enjoying working on home projects and volunteering. Our adult daughters use their creativity in different ways, Sarah is an Interior Architect/Designer and owner of ‘Goesling Group’. Becca uses her Industrial Design skills as a Senior Advanced Color/Finish/Material Designer and Branding expert. Sarah and Becca work together at Goesling Group. Check out and