Vivid Art Gallery March Featured Artist: No Short Cuts / by Lisa Goesling

In My Nature by Lisa Goesling

In My Nature by Lisa Goesling

Spontaneous Combustion #11 by Lisa Goesling

Spontaneous Combustion #11 by Lisa Goesling

Spontaneous Combustion Brush Flower by Lisa Goesling

Spontaneous Combustion Brush Flower by Lisa Goesling

I have the distinct pleasure of exhibiting my art along with artist, Richard Shipps. I have long admired his ability to incorporate shadows and light into his designs. We both use X-ACTO knives to create our work, I draw with X-ACTO knives into Scratchbords®, (hard boards covered in a layer of clay and India ink). My details are defined by how much pressure I put on my knife. The harder I etch into the surface of ink, the brighter the layer of white clay. It enables me to develop detailed patterns, some of which I paint with colored inks and acrylic paint at the end of the process. Richard cuts into Tyvek, creating patterns that meander their way across the page. The two styles really make for a great exhibition! You can check it out until the end of March.