3 Dimensional Art / by Lisa Goesling

‘Boxes’ by Lisa Goesling

‘Boxes’ by Lisa Goesling

Purple leaves Box flat by Lisa Goesling

Purple leaves Box flat by Lisa Goesling

Hosta Box by Lisa Goesling

Hosta Box by Lisa Goesling

Hosta Box Flat by Lisa Goesling

Hosta Box Flat by Lisa Goesling

Milkweed Box by Lisa Goesling

Milkweed Box by Lisa Goesling

Milkweed Box flat by Lisa Goesling

Milkweed Box flat by Lisa Goesling

When you run out of wall space as a collector and need to hang new art even higher, it’s time to get creative about how someone might view the art. That was the dilemma that I was tasked with. I decided to build boxes out of my flat panels and have them hang out four inches from the wall so that you can look up and see the entire piece on all sides. I have these three completed and am working on the next one that is going to be comprised of multiple Chinese Lantern plants. Only two left once the lanterns are completed. Having so much fun!