Progress / by Lisa Goesling


I just realized that I haven’t thought of a name for this piece yet. It is about halfway done, so I guess I have time. This 40”x20” piece is drawn with an X-ACTO knife into layers of clay and India ink. Colored inks and paint are added in at the end of the process. That background black texture that is supposed to resemble soil is created by dabbing black acrylic paint between the etched lines. The collectors have a large outdoor space, 7.5 acres, where a myriad of elements from nature compete for your attention, it is stunning! I am like a kid in a candy store being bombarded by every color, pattern, shape and texture you can imagine, not to mention all of the scents! Since I don’t sketch first, I am continuously amazed at how things begin to evolve on the page. More to come!