Pussy Willow Weed Study / by Lisa Goesling

Pussy Willow/Weed Study by Lisa Goesling             Copyright

I have been working on this one for some time. I believe that I presently have about eleven pieces in the works. It keeps each of them fresh and makes me concentrate on a variety of different perspectives. I call this one Puss Willow/Weed Study because I have spent a long time studying the different elements as well as the fact that I am treating this as a study. It may turn into several smaller pieces, perhaps cropped in different compositions. This one is unusually large, 30" x 40". I don't typically work this size because the boards tend to crack from the weight of the clay when they get too big . I think I am going to add just a bit of subtle color and leave some of the shapes simply outlined. I always love your comments, what do you think?

Weed Study.jpg