Inspiration / by Lisa Goesling

Helter Shelter Leaves Within by Lisa Goesling

Helter Shelter Leaves Within by Lisa Goesling

Weigela by Monet

Weigela by Monet

You might not notice the leaves hidden deep in the background, but they are there. I posted a photo of the Weigela Plant on Instagram, along with other favorites in our yard and wrote…Is it possible to write a thank you note to nature? My favorite response was from my friend Britton who wrote, you just did! There is a name for that feeling we get when our heart rate slows down and we are transported by nature… Eco-Psychology. It’s the study of emotional connections between humans and the natural world. That sense of wonder, harmony and timelessness when surrounded by beauty. This new piece is part of my Helter Shelter series, created during our Shelter in Place. I really love to develop movement by drawing with an X-ACTO knife into hard boards layered in India ink and clay, (Scratchbord® by Ampersand). The white is the bottom layer of clay; the more pressure that I put on my knife, the brighter the white. Values are created by varying how much pressure I put on my knife. My last step was to add acrylic paint to the dark leaf shape pattern in the background. 8”x8” framed: 9.5”x9.5”